About Us

Celebrating 75 Years of Service
The Club, founded in 1949, is a volunteer organization richly rooted in the tradition of giving back to the community and its residents. While our common goal is enhancing the quality of life in our community, one of the many benefits is the lifelong friendships we make along the way.
Membership in The Cranford Woman’s Club is open to all women, over the age of 18, living in the Cranford area. Each of our dynamic members brings her own unique set of skills and talents to the table, and we enjoy working and socializing together.
Our Events:
Home for the Holidays House Tour
Sip & Shop In Downtown Cranford
Flags for the Fourth
Progressive Dinner
Ladies’ Night Out
Summer Social
Easter Baskets for Cranford Family Care
Cookie Exchange
High School Scholarships
Merchant Appreciation
Holiday Party
Annual Banquet
Winter Dinner Out
Secret Pal Program
Who We Support:
Scholarships for college bound Cranford students
Project Home of Cranford
Cranford Family Care
The Cranford Historical Society
The Cranford Volunteer First Aid Squad
The Cranford Fund For Educational Excellence
The Cranford Dramatic Club
Centennial Village Group
Raphael’s Life House
Missions Possible
Diva for a Day
I Support the Girls
Girl Scouts Heart of NJ